Random Thoughts Thursday

• Any cat lovers here?  Aren’t these shirts cute?

Owner and cat shirt.jpg 
• Do you have an iPhone and have used the portrait filter?  Wow, I tried it and the photos are so much nicer.  Below is an example of a photo.  What do you think?


• This made me laugh too.  My students will come to me for every single cut.  Sometimes I fall for it and sometimes I tell them that they’re fine and to go sit down.

Are you dying? Monkey.jpg

• Can’t wait till Friday.  Yes, I am very tired. 

Dear Friday, I love you.jpg

• What was your first cell phone?  Mine was from Sprint and I remember that I did like it.  Over the years I’ve had different phones.  I would get a new one every time I renewed my contract (I’ve been with Spring almost 20 years).  Facebook reminded me a month ago that 7 years ago I got my first iPhone.  I actually remember that day!

First iPhone Reminder.jpg

7 Comments on Random Thoughts Thursday 73

  1. Wow! I have not had many cell phones, actually. Heck, I didn’t even have a smart phone until a few years ago. I like my phone, but I am lucky to not be working so I am not at all tethered to it.

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