Random Thoughts Thursday 136

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I went to Target last week and was surprised to see that there was hardly any paper towels and toilet paper.  I have enough toilet paper for now but need paper towels.  Is that how it is where you live?

• My cousin gave me a small bench that belonged to his daughter.  I remember years ago when I first saw thinking that I would like one for Lola.  Now I have 2 cats and it is perfect for them.  Except Mateo does not share.  But don’t they look adorable?

• I was cleaning my room and found some very old items.  Ha!  I found my high school yearbooks and a box full of cassettes.  I know I can donate my cassettes.  I might keep a few since my car has a cassette player, but what do I do with my yearbooks?  Do I really want to keep them? 

A few weeks ago I got a code for some free masks.  I should have known that it was too good to be true.  I received an email that it was mistake, etc, etc.  I understand but was still disappointed.  What I do find weird is that I placed an order for masks and since it cannot get fulfilled, I get an offer for buy one/get a free pair of socks.  Socks!  Now I wonder if that was the original intent.

Our District decided to start the year with remote learning.  I am OK with that decision.  However, I want the option to teach from my classroom a few days a week.  I am tired of teaching from home.  Check out this cool video of a teacher in his classroom!  

Tuesday Topics: How to taper for a race before going crazy

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  This is an updated post from September 2019.  

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  How to taper for a race before going crazyYou can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Honestly, I don’t mind the taper.  While some people get taper crazy, I actually look forward to it and love it.  

What exactly is tapering before a race?  Basically it means to take a break from running so your muscles could rest and recover.  By doing this you will be able to be rested enough and have a successful race.  Tapering usually starts 2-3 weeks before your race.  Most tapers are done for a marathon but can also be done for half marathon.

During taper I may run a few days but more importantly make time to rest and sleep.  When I trained using the Hansons Marathon, I was not used to running 6 days a week and was constantly tired.  I welcomed with open arms when it came time to taper.

So what can you do when you have more time and energy in the weeks before your half marathon or marathon?

🏃🏽‍♀️ Sleep.  Your body needs it.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Think about your goals.  What are your A, B, and C goals?

🏃🏽‍♀️ Make a gear check list/bag and check it twice.  Write it down so you have everything ready for race day.  The last thing you want to happen is to arrive at your race and find out you forgot your gels, sunglasses, or socks.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Finalize your fuel and hydration.  Will you be bringing your own or use what is provided on the course?

🏃🏽‍♀️ Reflect on your training.  You worked hard in the weeks/months prior to your race.  Perhaps you wrote about it in a blog or journal.  Reading about it will get you more excited knowing you went through weeks of long runs, waking up early, and dealing with the hot/cold weather.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Eat better/healthy.  While it is tempting to eat all of the food, it isnt’ a good idea.  Drink plenty of water and eat meals that have good carbohydrate to help store fuel for race day.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Read a book.  Grab a glass of water, sit on the sofa, and relax with your book.  Or a movie will be ideal too.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Meet up with friends.  Many of them probably haven’t seen you for weeks since you’ve been training hard for your race.  Use that time to catch up with them, laugh, and to have a good time.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: 103.54 miles and Hello August

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How is it already August?  A few more weeks of Summer Break and then back to school.  I found out that we will start the school year with Remote Learning.  While I am pleased with the news, it does make me sad because I honestly am tired of Remote Learning.  Also, it will be weird starting off a new school year without being there with the students.  I did find out this past week that the cameras will be turned on so at least I will see them during class time.

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I am still running on the side streets.  No complaints.  Twice I ventured out further north to the area where I am interested in buying a house.  I ran by the house that I really, really liked and wanted to buy last year.  It made me sad.  I did see another house for sale by owner and sent the info to my agent.  Back and forth messages with him and yesterday he told me that the owner has a contract already.  🙁

My heart rate went up when I saw this.  It reminded me of when I fell in January.


I live close to the fire department and they have a small fish pond in the front.  It was the first time seeing this since I rarely go in that direction when I run.

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I did all of my runs with the Peloton app.  I like the variety of music and am liking the instructors.  Even all of the talking does not bother me as much anymore.  I guess it depends on my mood too.  

For my long run on Saturday I did not go to the lake.  I ran by my house and took a fun class.  Matty mentioned that he was taking us back to our partying days in high school and college.  It was fun and I recognized many of the songs!  There were songs such has “What is Love? and “Another Night”.  There was one by Whitney Houston that I had never heard and LOVED it -My Love Is Your Love.  Am I the only one that has never heard it before?

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I finished July with 103.54 miles.  July has 31 days and I ran 25 of those days.  Overall I have been feeling good.  I felt some discomfort in my left calf and the bottom of my left foot as well.  I remembered that’s what I had experienced before I had plantar fasciitis.  At that time I did not know any better and I ignored it.  Big mistake.  I foam rolled and it felt much better the next day.  I’ve also been using my massage gun which has been helping a lot too.

I am excited about August.  Excited to see what my coach has for me to do this month.  Also, I am working on a few things for school but don’t want to do too much until I know my schedule, list of students, and District’s expectations.  I belong to a Facebook Group and have gotten great ideas for my virtual classroom.  Here is what I have so far.

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Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 135

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I live on the second floor of an apartment building and am so grateful we have a balcony.  My mother and I have spent hours there listening to music and people watching.  Sometimes we eat our meals there too.  I feel bad that she cannot go out that much but at least we have the balcony and the nice weather to enjoy.

• Time to go shopping!  Just kidding.  My favorite is wine.  Once in a while I do drink beer and, of course, a martini.

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• iPhone storage is full?  How is it possible?  I had to delete a bunch of photos, videos, messages, etc.  I checked the settings and I have 64GB of storage.  I am thinking that for my next phone I should get something more than 64GB.

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My niece and nephew told me about a show, “Taco Chronicles”, on Netflix that is all about tacos.  There are 6 episodes and each one covers a different type of taco.  Anyone hungry?  Those are tacos al pastor.  Not my favorite but still pretty good.

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Another race cancellation.  I was supposed to run this race in May but then it was postponed to August.  I wasn’t sure if I would make it since it was taking place the weekend after the first day of school.   Now this race has been moved to next year but we’ll see what happens.

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Tuesday Topics: Working out on a busy day

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics! 

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  How do you fit your workout on a busy day?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Currently I am on Summer Break.  It’s been two weeks since the end of Summer School.  This week I have a few professional development courses (all online) that will be taking up most of the day.  There is still no word on our back to school plan.  I have a feeling it will all be remote learning and I want to know for sure so I can start making my virtual classroom in Google Slides.

How cool is this?  All I need now is an individual Bitmoji of each teacher.  

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Anyway, back to today’s topic.  During remote learning my schedule was different from when I was in the classroom.  I was still busy (mostly learning how to do remote teaching) but at the end of the workday I was mentally exhausted.  I knew that I would have no motivation to run after work.  So I continued running in the morning.  

✔️ Running in the morning made me feel better.

✔️ Running in the morning gave me time to think.  

✔️ Running in the morning got my workout out of the way. 

I got it done by waking up early.  I didn’t have to wake up that early since I didn’t have a commute to school and all I had to do was change into a decent looking top and sweatpants.  

I realize that not everyone has that option.  There are other ways to fit in a workout on a busy day. 

➡️  Run/walk home or to your workplace.  A few years ago I did the AVON 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer.  At that time I was working downtown so I would walk home from work to “train”.  

➡️  Do your workout at work.  Set an alarm to remind you every hour to get up and walk.  You can even walk up and down the stairs.  Add in some wall or “real” pushups too.  🙂

➡️  Run or walk during lunch.  

➡️  Schedule your workout in your calendar.  It is equally important as a doctor appointment or a work meeting.

➡️  Get the family involved.  Take a walk after dinner.  Take the kids on the stroller to the park or go for a run.

➡️  Run/walk to do your errands.

I thought that by working from home I would have a lot more time to workout.  I was correct.  I did have the time but sadly did not put in the effort.  I was eating more (the fridge was so close) and not walking like I was doing before (in the classroom I was constantly walking).  I paid the price.  Most of my pants don’t fit anymore.  With the possibility of going back to remote learning in Fall, I know I cannot do this anymore.  I can use this time to figure out what I am going to do.  🙂

Remember, something is better than nothing.  The main thing is to get your body moving.  Anything else you would add to the list?

Tuesday Topics

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