Tuesday Topics: My running PRs

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  Apologies for posting so late.  I have been behind on reading blog posts and needed extra time to catch up.  I like to read as many blog posts as I can and respond to every comment.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  BRAG!  Tell us about your running PRs!  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This year was supposed to be THE year for me.  My goal was to PR in various race distances along with other non running goals.

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The year did not start off too good.  I got a cold and was not feeling well.  Then I fell.  Due to said fall I was afraid to run outside.  Instead I ran on the treadmill.  I didn’t do any races either.  Actually the only race I did was the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon at the beginning of March.  Yep, this was right before everyone’s world changed because of Covid-19.

All of my PRs are OLD.  I mean years old.  Old enough that I am embarrassed to even write about them here.  But I will.  

Anyway, let’s reminisce a little.  The last time I PRed was in May 2017 for a 5 miler race.  It was an “easy” PR because it was my first race of that distance.  


This year I was looking forward to the Shamrock Shuffle 8k and the 4 on the 4th of July races.  They’re two of my favorite races.  My PRs are 48:38 (8k in 2014) and 39:39 (4 miles in 2014).  

My 5k PR is 29:48 from 2011 and my 10k PR is 1:04 from 2010.  That is a sign that I need to do better next year, right?

For years I’ve been wanting to get a sub 2 half marathon.  I am not even close.  My PR is 2:17 from 2013 at the ING Hartford Half Marathon.  I came close in 2015 when I ran the Covered Bridges Half Marathon.  My finish time was 2:19:51.  I was pleased with how I did because the course was hilly and I walked a few times.

The last marathon I ran in 2016 is my marathon PR (5:12:59).  I remember I was aiming for a sub 5 finish time and was doing really good till about mile 11.  My left hip was hurting and I really wanted to quit.  I didn’t.  I told myself I was almost halfway done.  Then I had 10 miles to go.  Then single digits.  Then a few more miles.  Now wasn’t the time to quit.  I was pleased with how I did and was happy to have bettered my time by 40 minutes from my first Chicago Marathon in 2006.  

I entered the lottery for both the NYC Marathon and the MCM but was not picked for any of them.  Could be a sign to instead focus on the other distances.  

The plan now is to run and train for next year.  Next year is when I will get some new and shiny PRs!!

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Hello May and 5 weeks to go

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Happy Sunday!  How is everyone doing today?   I swear it feels like it was just Monday.  Another week at home doing lesson plans and activities as well as spending time with my cats.  🙂  I guess I shouldn’t really complain about it.

I ran 3 days this week.  It is finally warmer here which made the runs more pleasant.  I love running in shorts.  

I signed up for Deborah’s RunBet Challenge so I had to make sure I got out there!  Did you sign up as well?RunBet-3Did anyone see this?  It was tempting to sign up until someone told me it is 612 miles.  To date I’ve run 139 miles.  No way can I run 600 miles in 4 months.  Or can I?  🙂    I know I’ve mentioned that it is nice to run with no pressure, but how long is that going to last?  I doubt any “real” races will take place this year so I am looking for some motivation.

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Early in the week we got an email from the Principal that she was putting together a schedule so that we could go pack up our things in our classroom.  Someone did inquire if masks, cleaners, would be provided for us.  We were told to bring our own mask.  I don’t know what happened but then another email was sent letting us know that that project was postponed.

Our last day of school is June 5th.  I am not sure if we’ll go till June or stop on May 29th.  I finally have my routine set up and am liking it.  My favorite part is when my students log in to talk, read or discuss a book.  Due to some restrictions set up by the District, I cannot see them but they can see me.  I look very different than when I am in the classroom.  Most days I do comb my hair.  🙂

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In February I applied again to teach Summer School.  For sure I thought that it would be cancelled.  Nope.  It will be done remotely.  Now that I have no idea how it would work since half of my students now either turn in minimal or no work at all.  I am trying really hard to be patient but honestly I am getting tired of it.  I have about 3 that do almost all of the assignments – one has submitted all of them.  I am thinking of buying a prize for him (maybe a gift card).  Thoughts?

My uncle’s funeral was on Friday.  We did not go but thanks to my cousins we did see it on YouTube.  My mother felt as if she was there too.  She still cannot believe that her brother is gone (no one can).  She hasn’t been sleeping well but I will check with her doctor to see if she can take a sleeping pill.  I worry because she takes medicine for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  Check out Lola also watching the funeral with us.


Are you excited it is May?  Any goals for May?

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Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 122

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Someone posted this meme on Facebook.  Maybe I am being very sensitive right now but does anyone really think it is funny?  I mean joking about dying from the virus because of what you told your wife?  Maybe I just don’t get it.

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• I know I posted about being patient.  I know many businesses are doing the best they can so we can have the things we need/want.  About 2 weeks I ordered some items for my Peloton.  To this day, I haven’t received it.  I mean does it usually take this long?  I have already reached out to the company and have asked them to send the items again via UPS or Fedex. 

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 • I ordered a new Koala Clip.  It is simply the best.  This I received 4 days after placing my order.  🙂

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• My plan is to move this year.  I am collecting boxes so I can start decluttering and pack up a few things.  What it is with cats and boxes?

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•  I love martinis!  I went to the store yesterday to get some groceries.  I also got items to make martinis and 2 bottles of white wine.  Now I don’t know why I “only” got 2 bottles.  🙂  My plan when this is all over is to have a Martini Party.

Tuesday Topics: Some thoughts from these past few weeks

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  We are now in the last week of April.  Supposedly it is Spring but it does not feel like it.  Well, you know the saying “April showers bring May flowers”.  🙂

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This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Where did March go?  Hard to believe that April will be over soon and then May will be here.  Hard to believe that I’ve been home now for over a month.  Over a month of not seeing my students or going into work.  Each day this feels like a dream (or a nightmare) and I want to wake up and do my normal things.

I wasn’t sure what to write about for today’s post.  I have good and not so good weeks of running.  Each week is different.  I am not training for anything (no one is) and some days I run just because or to get out of the house.  I rarely see anyone while out on my run and if I do see someone, I make sure to keep my distance from them.

I made a list of a few thoughts from these past few weeks.  They’re in no specific order but just thoughts I had while out running, watching TV, writing lesson plans, etc.  I am NOT judging anyone nor intend to make anyone feel bad about any of their choices/decisions.

♦ Always save money.  Whether it is $1 or $2 each week or month, save it.  Jobs are never guaranteed and you want to make sure you have some money saved up until things are better.

I am an introvert but now am not liking it anymore.  When things are back to being normal, I will make sure to do more things with family and friends.

No matter what people are going to be extra nice or just plain mean.  We don’t know what other people are going through and it is best to just shut up and not say anything.

Parent communication with my kids is SO important.  Well, I know it is but now more than ever.  I have 18 students and use Remind to communicate with them.  There are two parents that I either have to call or send regular text messages because for some reason I cannot add them to the app.  You bet next year I will make sure to add everyone the first day of school.

Politics is ugly.  Now it is even UGLIER.  It is mind blowing how politicians are so selfish and greedy. 

I need to get my students set up in Google Classroom and other technology platforms early in the year.  I wanted too long and had a tough time setting things up for them and their parents.  Many are still not doing all of the work (or any at all) but I don’t stress out about it anymore.  We’re all doing the best we can in this situation.

Have fun.  No matter what always have fun.  

Life is short.  Make the best of it.

Running is more fun when there is no pressure.  As much as I want to run more like some of my other friends, I don’t.  There is no reason to.  

Never judge.  Everyone reacts differently.

Be patient.  Sometimes it is hard to do but there isn’t another option.

When driving, why speed?  I am confused as to why drivers feel they need to speed.  I mean, why are they in a rush?  There’s been a few times in which I am behind a car that slows down because the driver plans to make a right turn.  I slow down too but the driver behind me is impatient and passes both of us on the left side and then moves over to the right lane.  Seriously?

What are some of your thoughts?  

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: A sort of a better week and rainbow runs

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I felt so much better this week.  Sunshine is good for the soul.  I ran 4 days this week and it felt so good.  I set out again to run each day longer than the previous day.  


This week I set out to do Judy’s challenge.   I did good but had a hard time with indigo.  

Rainbow challenge

Green, orange, and red.  Is the corn blue or indigo?  I’ve been to this restaurant a few times and the food is delicious!

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Violet, green, and yellow.

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Yellow, orange, and green.

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Blue and red.

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Our Governor extended the stay at home order for another month.  Now it is till May 30th.  I don’t like it one bit but I know it is for our own good.

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I sent another letter to my students.  Most likely I will send 2-3 more this summer.  Who knows if we’ll even go back to school in the Fall.  I’ve read that eLearning/Remote Learning might continue to the Fall.

I finished watching “Unorthodox” and “Dirty John”.  They’re both SO GOOD!  Now I am watching “Person of Interest”.  Who remembers that show?  I remember watching a few episodes but didn’t watch it every week.  

Our family got some sad news on Saturday.  One of my uncles, my mother’s brother, died on Saturday from COVID-19.  It is so weird when almost every day you see on the TV screen the number of deaths from the day before and now my uncle is part of that number.  His wife also has the virus.  I hope she gets better soon.  I cannot imagine her sons losing both set of parents.  We are also very sad that we cannot visit and hug them.

And to end on a happy note, here is a photo of both of my cats sleeping.  It is very rare that they both sleep like that with me.

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How was your week?  Have you done Judy’s Rainbow Challenge?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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