Weekly Run Down: Race week and “taper” mode

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It is race week!  I ran one day and took it easy the rest of the week.  I felt some discomfort in my right quad.  Ugh!  I am annoyed about it but there isn’t much I can do about it.  Not sure if and when I will run this week before my race.

I was off today and went to the gym.  Watched “Narcos Mexico” while running.  Felt good but tired at the end.

Not a very exciting week.  Good news is that I cancelled my hotel reservation in Atlanta and will be sharing a room with another Oiselle friend.  At least now I will have some company and my hotel cost won’t be expensive.  School was the same with my students.  I have my days when I like my job and then also days when I don’t.  

While I am excited for Summer break, the other day I applied to teach summer school.  I wasn’t going to do it but then decided to go for it since the work is easier than during the regular school year, there are fewer hours and fewer students.  Plus, it is nice to earn some extra cash.

I went to see a house on Monday and I was so disappointed.  It was a good price but it needed a lot of work.  I don’t mind fixing a few things here and there but this house required a whole lot more.  I found out the other day that the owners have accepted an offer.  I did not think it would sell that fast since really I thought it was a horrible house.  Anyway, back to looking.  The goal is to move this summer.  I don’t know how much longer my landlord will allow me to continue living in the apartment.

Thursday was National Love Your Pet Day.  Both of my cats are rarely together and when they are, I make sure to take a picture.

How was your week?  I am sure it was much more exciting than mine.  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 112

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I understand the reason for cancelling the Tokyo Marathon but I still feel bad for everyone that was planning to go.  The runners can defer to next year’s race but they would need to pay again.  What?!?!?  It reminds me of the 2007 Chicago Marathon that was cancelled while it was still going on and runners had to pay again to run the following year.  What about the charity runners?  They would need to raise money again?  So many questions but I also understand runners being very upset about it.  Updated:  Check out the article: https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/news/a30867850/will-the-2020-tokyo-marathon-be-cancelled/

My students do know how to make me smile.  These are some of the gifts I received on Friday for Valentine’s Day.  They’re truly the best!

• This was Friday afternoon after work.  I knew it was cold and there was lots of ice.  What I was not expecting is for the ice to be inside my car.  Besides waiting, how does one get rid of that?

• Remember how last week I mentioned that I had left my iPad at the gym?  Well, I also realized that I had left my water bottle.  I love mine and was bummed that I had “lost” it.  Well, I went to the gym on Sunday and my water bottle was there too.  I am happy that someone was nice enough to turn in both items.

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• Honestly, I am tired of going to the laundromat to do laundry.  I’ve been doing this for almost 2 years and now am resenting it.  I cannot wait till I buy a house and have my own washer and dryer.  OK, enough complaining.  At least I have access to them and can wash my clothes, right?  I do love the smell of freshly washed clothes.  



Tuesday Topics: The Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta

Happy Tuesday?  Were you off yesterday?  I did a semi long run (7.33 miles), went to see a house (did not like it at all), and did some work for school (got it all done).  Progress report grades are due today.  Five more weeks till the end of the quarter.  The end of the school year will be here soon!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Who are you rooting for in the Olympic Trials?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am so excited for my trip to Atlanta!  Not sure if I am more excited to spectate the Trials or to run.  Maybe both?  I am nervous for this race because of the hilly course.  I did not train on hills for this training cycle and I had every intention of doing so.  Oh well.  We will see how it goes.  🙂

What is the Olympic Marathon Trials?  It is a race that will determine the 3 men and women that will go on to compete in and represent the U.S. in the marathon at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Not everyone can run at the Olympic Trials.  There are qualifying standards in order to compete in the Trials.

Oympic Trials Standards-1I couldn’t find a list of the men and competing competing in the Trials but I do know Desi Linden will be there.  And that my friends is who I am rooting for this year in the women’s team.

Desi is pretty amazing.  I’ve met her a few times but have been shy around her so I’ve never said much to her.  One time I did ask her if she spoke Spanish and she said “no”.

She won the women’s race at the 2018 Boston Marathon in the cold and pouring rain.  I watched it with my students and I think I cried when she won.

She is a very humble person.  Doesn’t say much either and is always smiling and looks happy.

Desi made her first Olympic Team in 2012 in Houston.  She finished in 2nd place.  Then in 2016, in Los Angeles, she also finished in 2nd place.

Fun video to watch:  26.2 Questions with Des Linden.

I want this shirt.

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Desi is sponsored by Brooks.  You all know my love for my Brooks shoes.

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Desi is someone I would love to run with one day.  However, I am much, much slower than her so not sure how that will go.  🙂

Will you be in Atlanta?  Let’s go!

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Three runs this week and 2 more weeks

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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Last week I wrote about how I did not feel well.  I didn’t get a cold and I feel so much better.  Maybe I just needed to rest?  I have a race in two weeks and I absolutely cannot get sick.

I don’t remember too much about this run.  I just know I did run.

WEDNESDAY:  4.33 miles
I wanted to do 10×400 intervals with 400m recovery.  I did 8 and each recovery was less than 1/4 mile.  Felt good but got tired towards the end.  This rarely happens but my Garmin showed the mileage as the treadmill.  I was actually shocked. 

It was not my day at the gym.  I wanted to run 4 miles but got to the gym late.  I started watching “Narcos Mexico” but honestly could not even get excited about it.  Also, I need to wake up earlier since I’ve noticed that it takes me a little bit longer to get out of the house.  

Two more weeks till the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon.  I am excited but also nervous about it.  While I am not 100% ready/trained for it, I am more ready for it than I was for the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon.  The goal is to finish it.  It will be state #43 for me.

Overall not my best week.  Since I didn’t do a long run this weekend, the plan is to do it tomorrow morning.  A little off schedule but that is OK.  Also, I have an appointment with my agent to see a house so cross your fingers that it goes well.  

How was your week?  Anyone planning to go to Atlanta to spectate the Olympic Trials and/or run the half or marathon?  A friend of mine was planning to go and share the hotel cost but now cannot make it anymore.  Let me know if you want to share a room.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 111

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I am loving these Facebook memories.  This is from two years ago on Sunday.  I think we were then off due to the weather?  

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I got home today and noticed that my iPad was not in my gym bag.  I called the gym and asked if someone had turned one in.  Sure enough someone did!  I couldn’t believe my good luck because I thought for sure someone had taken it home.  

• How funny is this?  Sure made me laugh.

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• This showed up on Facebook and it was weird to see my name on the shirt. 

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• This made me laugh too.  Sometimes I can be stubborn too.  🙂

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