Weekly Run Down: Cold weather and a good week of running

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Hello there!  It is cold here and I am not ready for it.  Well despite the weather, I made it outside for 5 runs.  I am excited because I will be running/training with DWRunning this month.  Plus, I have a half marathon next month so I had to stop being lazy and run.  🙂

I received a new pair of Oiselle tights.  They’re reflective and I love them!  For sure car drivers can see me.

Most of my runs usually end with a “0” at the end.  On Tuesday morning just when I was almost done with my run, I was about to turn into my street when I saw a van also turn and park on the street.  Coincidence?  I don’t know and I didn’t wait to find out.  I kept running to the next street (one block east) and then another block to head home.    During the day it wouldn’t have bothered me but it was still dark and it did freak me out a little.

Check out Mateo’s tie.  Doesn’t he look handsome?


I saw Deborah’s new shoes on Instagram and knew I had to get them too.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

Saturday morning was sunny but also cold and windy.  My goal was to run 1 hour.  The plan was to run for 30 minutes and then turn around to head back home.  Then I decided to run 2 miles, run to the next major street and then head back home.  I wasn’t looking at pace nor distance but figured it would be around 5 miles or so.  I got home and saved my run without looking at how far or how long I had run.  Ha, I ran 4.97 miles.  Did it bother me?  Not really.  It used to before but not anymore.

Sunday morning wasn’t too cold.  It was in the high 30s and it felt good being out there.  I ran 3 miles since I had to be back home in time to shower, get ready, and meet some friends for breakfast at 9am.


Overall, it was a good week for me.  I am pleased with my 5 days of running.  I did take one Peloton class on Thursday.  It was fun biking through France!

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Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 97

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Sometimes it is hard to be positive.  But no matter what is going on in my life, I am grateful for everything I have. 

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• I remember the first time I watched “Coco”.  I cried.  I will never get tired of that movie.  It was the perfect movie to watch on Saturday (the last day of Day of the Dead).


• While watching the NYC Marathon, I entered the early drawing for the 2020 marathon.  I was not picked.  That’s OK because my entry is entered in the general lottery and will find out in February if I get picked.  Cross your fingers for me!

• I like Christmas music but I think it is too early for radio stations to play it on the radio.  A radio station in Chicago started playing it on Tuesday.  Oh, and they play it all day long.  

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• I have parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday.  Not sure who will want this more.  Teachers or parents?  🙂

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Tuesday Topics: How I budget for races

Happy November!  Did anyone watch the NYC Marathon on Sunday?  Wow, what a race!  For sure I thought Desi was going to win since she had a lead halfway through the race.  Joyciline Jepkosgei definitely surprised everyone!  Watching the race inspired me to enter the early drawing for the NYC Marathon.  🙂

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This week’s Tuesday Topic: How do you budget for races?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Signing up for races is expensive.  Add in travel and airline cost and it gets even more expensive.  You also need to pay for food and additional travel cost.  I’ve run a total of 167 races.  I would say maybe 10 or so have been free but the rest I have paid for on my own.  

Next year I am planning to run the Kona Half Marathon and 7 additional half marathons in different states.  I would also like to run the MCM or NYC Marathon.  I know those trips won’t be cheap.  For now I am saving money using the $5 Savings Challenge.  I save every $5 bill that I get.  I rarely carry cash but use cash when I buy tamales.  🙂  I began saving money using this method in March 2018.  At first I was saving it for lasik eye surgery.  Not that important anymore.  I can wear my glasses.  🙂  I don’t know how much money I have but I plan to find out when I start making hotel arrangements.  

I know I won’t have enough to pay for it.  Plan B is to use my credit card.  I know it isn’t really the best option but I don’t have any other choice.  I am very good about paying my bills on time.  Also, I like the credit card I have (from Chase) because I get cash back every month.  Then I use that money to make a payment on my card.  I just realized that I could have transferred that money to a savings account and used it towards my traveling/race costs.  🙂

Running is definitely not a cheap hobby but I still love it.  Let’s not forget that we still need to buy running shoes, clothes, socks, and additional gear.  

Also, I remember when I would sign up for almost every race.  Not no more.  Now I am picky about the races I run.  There are a few I like to run every year and those are the ones I sign up for in advance to get the early registration fee.


Have you run the Kona Half Marathon?  Have you traveled to Hawaii?  My race will be at the Waikoloa Beach Resort on the Kohala Coast so I am looking for a good and inexpensive place to stay.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Crazy weather and end of the quarter

Hello there!  How is it that it is already November?  Two more months till the end of 2019.  November is my birthday month so that with Thanksgiving Day (and break) makes it my favorite month.   🙂

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This week I did not run at all.  I meant to but just couldn’t and didn’t want to get out there.  I did take one Peloton class but was so bored with the music that I just zoned out of it.  

We got snow on Wednesday and Thursday.  Ugh!  I hate it.  Plus, it is so early in the year for snow.


On Wednesday we had our Monster Math Family Night.  For sure I thought families would not show up because of the weather.  It had stopped snowing but it was cold and windy.  We had so many families show up.  It was a fun night!

On Thursday my kids were EXCITED.  We had a fun day!  We did some work but we also colored, watched a movie, and did a fun math activity.

Marked safe

The picture on the right is my car after school on Thursday.  The one on the right is from Friday morning. 🙁

Friday was the end of the 1st Quarter.  Yep, 10 weeks working with my 2nd graders.  That means 30 more to go.  Sigh.  10 weeks felt like a lifetime.  I really shouldn’t complain since I “only” have 16 students, but it’s been very challenging due to the different levels and some behavior issues.  

So that night I went out with friends for dinner and drinks.  We ordered a pitcher of cucumber margarita.  It was so good.  I drank it like I hadn’t drank any water at all.  Yeah, I paid the price of it later since I woke up with a slight headache on Saturday morning.  

Who else watched the NYC Marathon?  I am a huge Desi fan and was rooting for her to win.  She had a lead but ended up in 6th place.  

I had no desire to ever run the NYC Marathon but now watching the race got me motivated.  I entered the early drawing for 2020.  I am also going to enter the MCM lottery and hopefully get selected for one of the marathons.

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Have you run the NYC Marathon?  What are your marathons plans for 2020?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 96

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I love coffee and I bought a new coffee maker.  This one is a duo with a 12 cup carafe and a single serving machine.  The only thing I don’t like is that for the coffee pot, I have to make at least 6 cups.  With my regular coffee pot I had the option to make 1, 2, 3, etc., cups of coffee.   Oh well.  Not the end of the world because I still love it.


• Remember that awesome Halloween scratcher I bought the cats?  Well not so awesome anymore.  They have destroyed it.  I got rid of it but kept the actual scratchers since that is really what they need.

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• The Marine Corps Marathon was this past weekend.  Kudos to everyone that ran it in that awful weather.  I am definitely not in marathon shape but that is one marathon I would love to do.  I am thinking maybe in 2020 or 2021?

Marine Corps Marathon

• On Tuesday I took Mateo to the vet for his last set of shots.  My handsome little guy weighs 4 lbs.  He gained 1 lb since his last visit about 3 weeks ago?  He is so energetic and loves to bite and play with Lola.  She is not too happy with it but sort of tolerates it.  I am still waiting for them to cuddle again.  🙂


• Yep, we got snow yesterday.  Awful!  How when it is only October?!?!!?  I remember a couple of years ago the Northeast got hit with a lot of snow too right before Halloween.  I hate snow.  I can deal with the cold weather (a little) but the snow is what makes me hate winter even more. 

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