Random Thoughts Thursday

• So maybe 5 million dollars is too much.  Just enough to buy a house and a car.  🙂

Hug and coffee 
• My coworker gave me this plate.  I have it in the computer room/office as a reminder of the many hours I put it in school.

Teachers and summer off.jpg• I saw this picture and it made me laugh.  I will be off on Tuesday and sent it to the sub asking if I can just do that.  She laughed.  And I laughed because she laughed.  🙂  With two weeks to go, teachers and students have checked out already.

May Sub Plans

• My little ones love me.  Yesterday one student brought some flowers and another one a bag of brownie brittle.  I was almost in tears and hugged them. 

Flowers and Brownie Brittle.jpg

• Do you like bubbles?  Then you must see Ben’s Bubble Show.  He was at our school last week and I had so much fun.  I think more than the students.  🙂  One of my students asked him about his bubble soap formula but he wouldn’t tell us.  He said he mixes together several chemicals to create the soap to make the bubbles.

Ben's Bubble Show-4

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