Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 6

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #6, January 1-7

Ran 3.01 miles 
W Ran 4.01 miles
TH Ran 3.01 miles
Ran 90 minutes for 7.72 miles

This week I was excited that most of my runs were “actual” miles instead of minutes.  Started off the week and the New Year with a run on the treadmill.  My gym wasn’t crowded but definitely more people than usual.

Illinois Marathon-41

Tuesday was a rest day but I couldn’t believe that last year there were leaves on the ground!

Illinois Marathon-42

It did warm up a little for Wednesday’s run and I actually enjoyed it!  While I enjoy running along the lakefront, I also like running around Midway Airport.  It is easy to get to, plenty of parking, and one loop is 4 miles.  Earlier that day I made my first batch of Vegetarian Bean Chili.  It wasn’t out of this word but still good.  My mistake was that I added too many beans.  Haha, now I know.  🙂

On Thursday it was sunny and that made the run even more pleasant.  Still cold but better than negative 0 degrees.

Illinois Marathon-45

Saturday morning I woke up cold and tired.  I was supposed to meet up with a few other Oiselle girls at 10:00 for a run but decided not to go.  Then I waited for it to warm up.  I finally went out at 1pm.  I wore 2 pairs of socks, 2 pants, 2 pairs of gloves, 3 tops, and 1 hat.  The sun felt wonderful.  There wasn’t a lot of wind and that definitely helped as well.  At the end of my run I was tired and hungry.  And then I was very cold.

Another great week of running!  Sad that it is my last week of winter break.  However, I enjoyed my two weeks off and am looking forward to seeing my kids tomorrow!

Total mileage for the week: 17.75
Total mileage for this training cycle: 96.53
Total mileage for the year: 17.75

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

How was YOUR week?  What’s the weather like in your city/town?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.


Friday Five 2.0-5 Things I Am Looking Forward to in 2018

Happy New Year!  How did you celebrate?  I kept it very low key.  Nothing exciting at all.  My sister came over with my nephew.  We ate and watched TV.  Then they left and I went to bed at 10pm.  Felt great to go to bed early and wake up early the next day.  🙂

Happy New Year 2018

The other day I was thinking about things that I am excited about and looking forward to this year.  There are a few but for now I am picking five of them.  Here they are in no specific order or importance.

1. The Illinois Marathon.  This will be my 9th marathon.  My last marathon was the Chicago Marathon in October 2016 where I ended up with at 5:12:59 finish time.  I am working with a coach to get me to the finish line in April.  I am hoping to finally get a sub 5 finish time.  My training is going well.  Most of my runs have been “easy” and short (30 and 45 minutes).  I know this will get my body ready for when I need to do hard and intense workouts.  This week I ran “specific” miles (3 and 4 miles).

2. Rock ‘n’ Roll Races.  In 2013 I ran 14 RnR races.  While it was fun, it was also tiring and expensive.  As a BibRave Ambassador, I have the chance to run again a couple of these races.  I picked Washington DC, New Orleans, Chicago, Savannah, Denver, Las Vegas, Seattle, and San Diego.  There is no guarantee that I will get selected for all of them but I’ll be happy with 2-3 races.

3. Moving to a new apartment or house.  I’ve been living in the same apartment for about 8 years.  When I moved here, I told myself that that would be the last time I would move.  Wrong.  My landlord told me to start looking for a new apartment because he wants to remodel the apartment and sell the building.  Part of me wants to move to another apartment because it is just easier and less responsibilities.  However, another part says it is time to buy a house.  I’ve looked at a few houses and have not seen anything that I like.  My goal is to move no later than March/April (assuming that the landlord gives me till then to move.  What I am most excited about is the possibility of having a bigger bedroom than the one I have now!  🙂

New House Image

4. Run a couple half marathons in new states.  Currently I’ve completed 38 half marathons in different states.  If I get picked for the RnR races (#2) then I will be adding Colorado and Georgia to my list.  I am hoping to also add Delaware and Michigan.

Run all 50 states

5. BibRave Ambassador.  I was selected for another year as an ambassador.  I am happy and excited about it!  I’ll have the chance to provide you with various product and race discounts.  I will also have the opportunity to run various races throughout the year and try out different and new to me race products.  I also hope to meet more Ambassadors whether in Chicago or from another state!

Anything exciting you are looking forward to this year?

I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 2.0.


Random Thoughts Thursday 1

Random Thoughts Thursday

Happy New Year and welcome to my first Random Thoughts Thursday post.  I hope you are having a fabulous week whether you are in a warm or cold part of the country/world.  

How is is that years ago I would look forward to watching the clock strike 12 to welcome the new year?  Nowadays, not so much.  Sunday night I went to bed at 10pm.  A few people sent me texts/Facebook messages and I had to get up and turn off my phone.  The next day I was up at 5am and tempted to text back.  I didn’t.  I waited till 7am.  🙂

Winter has just begun and I am over this cold weather.  I don’t mind 20-30 degrees in the winter but anything lower than 0 is just plain crazy.  As much as I like running outside, anytime it is very cold, I do my runs at the gym.

Cold Anna

I’m been off for almost 2 weeks and I am actually a little excited to head back to work on Monday.  I like my job (I’m a 2nd grade teacher) but many days find myself tired and exhausted.  However, it is very rewarding when I see that I am making a difference in these kids’ lives.  The next countdown will be for Spring Break (end of March) and the last day of school (June 1-assuming there are no snow days).

With the new year anyone inspired to do a plank challenge?  Me.  I did start on Monday and today it is a 30 second plank.  

Anyone watch The Bachelor?  That show cracks me up!  The women are just so mean and catty.  I wonder if at the end of the season and they had a chance to see the show, they have any regrets about being on the show or cringe when they see the things they said or did?

Why is it that when there are 3 empty stalls in the women’s bathroom someone has to use the one next to me?  I do not understand this.  Please, help me understand this.  The same thing with a workout equipment.  The gym is empty.  There are a lot of machines for you to use.  Why must you use the one next to me?

Super, super, super.  Does anyone else get annoyed when you read something and the person always writes “super” all of the time?  It is super fit, super helpful, super cold, super easy, super cute, super excited, super annoyed, super hot, etc, etc.  No?  Just me?  

• I love Instagram and Instagram stories.  However, I am surprised at the number of people that post EVERY SINGLE THINGS on stories.  Whether they’re on a trip or at home, they’re recording everything and posting about it.  I sit there and wonder what is it about their life that makes them want to post so much on social media.  As for me, I tend to post more pictures than stories on Instagram.   What about you?

What are some of your random thoughts today?  Be sure to link up here so I can read about YOUR random thoughts!  Or you can link up about something else.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 5

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #5, December 25-December 31

Ran 30 minutes for 2.35 miles 
W Ran 45 minutes for 3.59 miles
F Did not run
Ran 80 minutes for 6.46 miles

Started off the week on Christmas morning with 30 minutes of running.  It was cold with lots of snow on the ground making it difficult for running.  Most of the sidewalk wasn’t clean so I had to run on the streets.  I was thankful that it was “only” 30 minutes.

The rest of the day was spent on the couch reading “An Innocent Man”.  Wow!  I finished it on Friday and it is an awesome book

It was -2 degrees on Wednesday and I did think of running outside but decided instead to go to the gym.  I really like my gym but I was bored!  It has been months since I’ve run on the treadmill and 45 minutes was way too long to run on it.  Later that day I went to see my best friend (hadn’t seen her since October) and we did some errands and her daughter decorated some cookies.

We also played “Jacks”.  Did you play that as a kid?  I did!

On Saturday I procrastinated and finally went to the gym around 6pm.  I know I said I was bored on Wednesday but today wasn’t bad.  I watched a few episodes of “Law and Order” and that made the time go by quickly.

And with that I finish December with 71.25 miles and 773.11 miles for the year.  You can read my 2017 Running Stats here.  

Total mileage for the week: 12.40
Total mileage for this training cycle: 78.78
Total mileage for the year: 773.11

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

How was YOUR week?  What are your plans for New Years?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.


My 2017 Running Stats

2017 Running StatsHello there!  We are so close to saying goodbye to 2017.  It was another good year for me with great trips to Utah and Alaska as well as fun times with family and friends.  

I am borrowing ideas from Courtney and Elizabeth to write a blog post with my running stats.  All of this comes from my beautiful Garmin 225/Garmin Connect.  I bought it in November 2014 and love it.  Definitely one of my best purchases.




 0.  Hopefully next year is the year.





How was YOUR year?