Chicago Marathon Weekend Part 1

Friday after work I went to the Chicago Marathon expo.  I am no longer running the marathon so why did I go?  Just to check it out.


Interesting race Maraton Ciudad de Mexico.


This made me smile.  Such a huge bra.


Look at those tiny feet!


I want to be Mebnificent.  I tweeted this photo to Meb and he favorited it.

Of course I had a few beer samples and purchased a bottle opener.

Cool medal for The Gasparilla Distance Classic in February.  It is on my to do list.


I met Scott Jurek and he signed my bib.  I said so many nice things to him and he just smiled.  Such a humble guy.

And seriously the ugliest shirt ever!  I know I never keep any of my race shirts but don’t think I would have even thought of keeping it.


At the end of the expo I walked out with a pair of Superfeet insoles and two Sparkly Soul headbands. So proud of myself for not spending more money.  I thought it was a good expo but feel like compared to previous years it was much smaller.  Or maybe in previous years I’ve purchased more stuff and felt like there were so many vendors.  This time I quickly checked them out because there wasn’t anything that I needed.

Disneyland Half Marathon

Sunday was the half marathon and last race of the Dumbo Double Dare.  It will be my last Disneyland race because I have decided not to run any more races there.  Definitely too expensive.

Another 4am wake up call.  I did not want to drink another cup of terrible coffee so I made a stop at Starbucks.  The line was LONG.  I then had to use the bathroom and was glad to use one in Downtown Disney instead of a port-a-potty.  Jaime and I were in our corral by 5:10.


I was feeling really good in the beginning but then struggled for the next 12 miles.  It was very humid and I was sweating a lot before mile 1. It could have been that I had just finished my coffee.  A mistake I don’t plan to repeat.  My plan was to run with Jaime but yeah that did not happen.

I took it easy and ran slow the rest of the race.  I took pictures and drank water at every water station.





The folkloric dancers were finishing their dance but I could hear the mariachi music as I was running.


It was hot and these sponges came in handy.  I remember someone was handing out oranges which were really good but can’t remember if it was at this stop.


Had a blast watching these dancers and the little girl was adorable.

Pretty neat running through Angel Stadium.  This was maybe mile 9 or 10.  I did not know how much longer it was going to take me to run the rest of the race so I sent a text to Jaime telling her not to wait for me at the end and to instead head over to the hotel.  She is a good person and told me that she would wait for me.



disnelylandhalf13Finally done!


Jaime and I with our medals.  She got an extra one because of the Coast to Coast Challenge (running a race in both FL and CA in the same calendar year).


My three medals from this weekend.  My favorite is the one for completing the Dumbo Double Dare.


Overall it was a great race and I had fun running through the parks.  Many people had wonderful costumes and for one second I was jealous of not wearing one too.  I can’t remember which characters were at the parks.  I saw Jeff Galloway at the expo but not during my races.  I ran really slow.  I wore shoes with more cushion (Brooks Ravenna 5) but my toes still hurt.  I am worried because I don’t know how they will feel for the rest of my long runs for marathon training.

Next race: Chicago Marathon

Disneyland 10K

On Saturday I ran the Disneyland 10k as part of the Dumbo Double Dare.  It is a 10k on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday.

If you’ve ran a Disney race before then you know that it means a very early wake up call.  The race started at 5:30am and I was up at 4.  I got dressed, drank coffee (terrible coffee from the hotel), and made my way over to the race with Jaime.  It took us about 20 minutes from the hotel to the start line. I like running at Disneyland because it is an easy walk to the race.

Great weather for running.  There were so many people and I enjoyed looking at everyone’s costume.



I was in Corral B and couldn’t get a good view of the announcers nor Stitch.  This race was all about Stitch.  Time to run!  My only goal was to have fun and finish.



The first 2 miles were outside of the parks.  Then it was back to the parks which I actually enjoyed.




Every mile marker had a picture of Stitch.


Jaime and I with our medals.


I am not crazy about the meal.  It looks like a very scary Stitch.  Or a lobster.


Great race!  I love running through both parks.  Plus, it was beautiful seeing them while it was still dark.  I don’t remember seeing many Disney characters but I don’t usually stop for a photo with them.  It was well organized and well coordinated even while trying to exit the park while walking through Downtown Disney (the runners were still passing through there).

At the finish line I got a snack box, bottle of water, bottle of Powerade, and a banana.  Not much but it is the same thing from my other Disney races.

Next race: Disneyland Half Marathon

Three Things Thursday, August 21, 2014

1. I haven’t been posting about my marathon training because they’re pretty much the same ones each week.  I am even bored with them.  Either I make them more interesting or just post them every two or three weeks.  Overall my runs are OK.  I did not do my easy or tempo runs last week and I did not do them this week.  I have no reason but simply just excuses.

On my last two long runs I felt some numbness on my right toes.  I didn’t think too much of it but did mention it to my podiatrist on Monday.  She touched the area and I told her I felt a little bit of pain. She was concerned because that area that hurts is the bone.  She took a couple of x-rays.  No broken toes.  But apparently two of the bones are so close together that they could be pinching a nerve and thus the numbness.  She also mentioned Morton’s Neuroma.  According to the Mayo Clinic website:

“Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that affects the ball of your foot, most commonly the area between your third and fourth toes. Morton’s neuroma may feel as if you are standing on a pebble in your shoe or on a fold in your sock.  Morton’s neuroma involves a thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to your toes. This can cause a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. Your toes also may sting, burn or feel numb.”

I don’t feel like I am standing on a pebble nor sharp nor burning pain.  The toes do feel numb.  I went to see her because I have a bunion and need to get a cortisone shot.  Of course the other option is to get surgery but I am holding off as long as I can.

2.  Last week I went to set up my classroom.  It was overwhelming.  I have a new classroom so I had boxes from my old classroom, from the teacher I am replacing, and from the district with new math and science books.  I went three days and did enough to at least teach for three days next week.  I would have done more if we hadn’t been told to leave the school by 3pm because the custodians still had work to do.  It worked out because I was sore and tired after each day.  And I refused to go this week.  This is my last week of summer break and my plan is to just chill and do nothing.

I took a short video using Flipagram but I don’t know how to add it here so click on the link:

And in case that doesn’t work here are some photos.






3.  I am thinking of purchasing a treadmill.  I like my gym but hate the shows on the TV screen and sometimes the smell inside is revolting.  Plus, I get annoyed when people are just texting and checking Facebook at 1.0 speed on the treadmill.  I feel like telling them to just walk faster.  I know I am complaining too much and that is why it is best to have one at home.  I checked out NordicTrack but while they’re nice, they’re also expensive.

These are the ones I like.  Prices range from $1,499 to $2,199.  They’re all very similar and offer the same thing but I like the TV on the 2450 and the 2950.

It makes me laugh to see these prices end in “99” because obviously $1,499 is so much cheaper than $1,500.

Thoughts, suggestions on treadmills?

ZOOMA Chicago Half Marathon

Disclaimer:  As a ZOOMA Chicago Race Ambassador, I received a free entry to the race. However, all opinions are mine.

It was definitely a beautiful day for a race.  I had been stalking the Weather Channel for a few days and the forecasts mentioned not just rain but also scattered thunderstorms. Nope, none of that happened on race morning but it did rain at night.


I was up at 5am and out the door by 5:30.  I decided to drive to the start line instead of going downtown to take the shuttle.  I was there by 6 and hanged around with other ambassadors while waiting for the race to start.



Earlier in the week, Emily from Out and About and I made plans to run together.  We lined up between the 2:10 and 2:20 pacers and we were soon off.  Ha, I thought I could keep up with her since I was feeling really good.  I stayed with her for 2 miles and then stepped to the side to walk a little.  I then decided to just take it slowly and enjoy the race.  And that is exactly what I did.


I love running along the lakefront.  The view is beautiful.  I ran and walked and just soaked it all in.  The first turnaround point was near Soldier Field.  About half a mile or so later there were a gentlemen with munchkins for us.  I took one.  I don’t know why I didn’t take more.


My hips were beginning to hurt and I was experiencing some discomfort on the bottom of my right foot.  I kept on running and walking.  I was also hot and thirsty and made sure to drink water at every water stop. Luckily, there were water fountains along the way and I also stopped at most of them.

I passed the finish line for the 10k and realized I was halfway done.  I was hurting but reminded myself that I was halfway done instead of that I still had 6.1 miles to go.  About a mile later, my friend Lidia caught up to me and we started running and walking together for the next couple of miles.


The other turnaround was at mile 10.  My foot was hurting even more.  I was convinced I had a blister and was annoyed.  My pace slowed down even more.  I kept repeating “Just 3 more miles, 3 more miles”.


I was so happy to see the Mile 12 marker.  Lidia and I were walking more than running.  I reminded her that we only had one mile to go.  Just one.  She was cramping and I told her to stop to massage and stretch her legs.  I also stopped to check my foot.  No blister.  I then thought it was my shoes.  I guess my feet were used to the Newton’s and did not like the Mizuno’s.


Once I saw the yellow school buses in the parking lot, I knew we were very close to the finish line. Lidia told me to go.  I started running and finally crossed the finish line.


I got my medal, water bottle, and then waited for Lidia to finish.  She looked so happy! We then got a snack box which had a grilled vegetable sandwich and chips.  It was yummy and I was starving!

We stayed for another hour or so to enjoy the after party.  Lidia got a free massage while I rested and enjoyed my free wine.  I also chatted for a few minutes with Karen from Trading in My Heels and her friends.


My thoughts on this race:

•  It was in a new location so the path wasn’t as crowded as it was last year.  I did not run it but just heard and read about it.
• There was plenty of signage.  However, you really can’t get lost on this path or not know where you’re going.
•  I don’t think there were enough water stations but it did help there were water fountains.
•  Again, the view is amazing.
•  Nice medal and cute shirt!  Swag also included Feetures! Performance socks and hat.
•  Fun after party!
•  There is no race day packet pick up but a friend could pick it up for you.  Love it when races have this option instead of “making” you attend the expo like some other race series that I won’t mention here but you probably know which one I am talking about.

Oh, and that mysterious foot pain.  It is one ugly blister.

Not running related but love this sign!
