Random Thoughts Thursday 7

Random Thoughts Thursday

Man, the groundhog was not kidding with stating that we’ll have 6 weeks of winter!  Chicago got so much snow that schools were closed last Friday.  And it didn’t stop there because we got more snow on Saturday night.  Luckily it’s been warming up and the snow is melting.  Hopefully that 6 week prediction will be proven false.

Let’s talk gray hair.  I get a few here and there.  They’re so small that really I use tweezers to pull them out.  Sunday afternoon I found two long ones.  Well, maybe 3 inches long.  I couldn’t leave them alone.  I pulled them out and felt better.  Do you leave or pull them out?

If a friend prefers money for her birthday would you give it to him/her?  Someone posted on Generosity.com that instead of birthday presents this year, to consider making a contribution (fundraiser) for her upcoming trip.  I’ve seen posts in which people ask for birthday donations to an organization but never for a trip.  I don’t know if I was appalled, angry, or annoyed.  I haven’t decided if I want to unfollow or unfriend this person. 

I’ve lived in Chicago for almost 40 years and have seen my share of “Chicago Dibs“.  However, I’ve never been a part of it till this year.  After Friday’s snowstorm I had my very own personal spot in front of my house.  I put a chair there to claim my spot.  I did some errands Saturday and Sunday and my spot was still there.  I came home late on Monday and someone else had parked in “my” spot.  Someone had moved my chair.  I was annoyed.  How dare they?  I got over it pretty quickly because I found another spot right away.

• Amazon Prime has the best customer service!  I ordered two containers of Orgain Organic Protein Powder last week and they were supposed to arrive on Saturday.  I forgot about it and then remembered on Monday morning.  I checked my account and found out that the driver couldn’t deliver it because it was a gated community and couldn’t get access to my house.  I was annoyed.  I sent an email to Amazon stating that I do not live in a gated community.  I also asked why didn’t the driver come back on Sunday?  Hours later I got an email from them with an apology and letting me know that my package was lost due to carrier error.  They offered to send another order for next day delivery free of charge.  Well, Monday night when I came home I saw that my first order had arrived.  The next day my replacement order arrived.  Definitely love their service

• Have you tried Cafe Bustelo?  Saw it at Target.  It is pretty good.  A bit strong but with good flavor.  I am still trying to figure out the correct coffee to water ratio.  I’ve tried one tablespoon for each cup of water but that was too strong for me.  Yesterday I used one teaspoon for each cup and while it wasn’t that strong, it was stronger than how I normally drink it.  Next is one teaspoon for 2 cups of water.  We’ll see.

What are some of your random thoughts today?

Dear Running: I do love you!

No matter how much I complain about running, I will always love it!  When I started running in 2005, I couldn’t run a mile.  Heck, I couldn’t run 5 minutes.  It took me years to get to where I am now (I ran mostly for fun and never paid attention to speed).  I focused more on endurance and can proudly say that I’ve run over 150 races ranging from ultra marathons, marathons, half marathons, and over shorter distances.

Why do I love to run?

• I know it sounds cliche, but I run because I can.  I am healthy with no medical condition that stops me from running.  Basically, I have no excuse.  I am the one with the excuses – too hot, too cold, too tired, or just lazy.  🙂  I’ve found that getting out there is hard but once I’m done with a run, I always feel GREAT.

• I like to see how much I can push myself.  I signed up for my first marathon in 2006.  With less than a year of running, a friend convinced me that I could run a marathon (glad I believed her).  I had NO idea what I was getting myself into and didn’t know the distance of a marathon.  I didn’t stop there, I’ve run a few more marathons and 2 ultra marathons.



• The challenges.  Let’s mix them up.  Do a race one day and then another one the next day.  No big deal, right?  The most difficult one I have done is Goofy Challenge (half marathon on Saturday and marathon on Sunday).  Oh man, that was tough but definitely memorable.



• I love buying running clothes.  Pretty much all of my tops and shorts are from Oiselle.  I always get excited when my order arrives and I wear it on my run.

• Let’s not forget the shoes!  Brooks shoes are the best!

• Support and encouragement from running friends.  I belong to several Facebook groups and my feed is always full of motivation and advice from friends.  Or sometimes I have a question about hydration, socks, gels, etc. and can count on someone to answer it for me.

What do you love most about running?

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 11

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #11, February 5-11

T Ran 2.78
W Ran 6.51 miles
TH Did not run
S Ran Did not run
S Ran 1.71 miles

Ugh!  What a week!  I won’t complain that it is too cold.  I will complain that all of this snow is ridiculous.

This was Monday evening.  Luckily it was a day off.

I had a little bit of trouble on Tuesday.  Still a lot of snow on the road.  I ran for a little over a mile and then just went to the local park where I ran a few loops to get in my 35 minutes of running.  

More snow Tuesday night/Wednesday so I knew I could not do my quality session (15 minutes warmup and cooldown, 4 x 4 minutes @ 10:45 with 400 m recovery, 3 x 3 minutes @ 10:02 with 400 m recovery) outside.  After school I went to the gym to get it done.

I love my gym

I skipped my run on Thursday because I wasn’t feeling good.  I have been coughing a lot lately and decided to rest and take it easy.  That evening I found out that school was closed on Friday because of – you guessed it – snow.

The top photo is at 7pm, middle at 11pm, and the bottom at 7:30 the next day.

Illinois Marathon-96

My sister and I went to the laundry and then did a few errands.  This is my view from the laundromat around 1pm.  

I had every intention of going on Saturday for a “quick and easy” 30 minutes.  How hard could it be right?  Nope.  I woke up with a headache and had it pretty much all day.  I even took some pain medicine but that didn’t help.  I had plans that evening with a friend to see a film “Tales of Mexico” downtown.  I almost cancelled but decided to go.  It was a great film and it was great being outside even if it was cold.

Illinois Marathon-103

Saturday night MORE SNOW!!!  I really dislike winter and snow.  Sunday morning I went to the gym to do my run but couldn’t do more than 2 miles.  I was frustrated with myself because I let the weather get to me.

I think this has been my WORST week of training.  Am I disappointed?  Absolutely.  But there’s nothing I can do about it.  Let’s hope this week is better.  Hopefully we are done with the snow too.  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 11.00
Total mileage for this training cycle: 194.39
Total mileage for the year: 115.60

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

How was YOUR week?  Any snow in your hometown?  Isn’t all of this snow simply ridiculous?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.


Detach Coconut+ Review

Disclaimer:  I received Detach Coconut Water to review as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!

I’m in week 11 of training for the Illinois Marathon.  This will be my 9th marathon and I am excited but at the same time also nervous.  Over the years while training for various races, I’ve tried various energy gels and hydration drinks.  Everyone is different so what works for one person may or may not work for others.

While running I always make sure to drink water.   I will admit that there are days in which all I’ve had to drink is coffee.  I know, not good.  I do love coffee though.  I was excited and looking forward to try Detach Coconut+.  I had never heard of it and am glad I tried it.

Detach-2Detach Coconut+ was founded with the need for an all-natural drink that helped the creators stay hydrated, focused and supported their training.  They also donate and support initiatives that share their core values, through a portion of the profits, such as Alzheimers Association, World Bicycle Relief, and Sonoma Pride.

Detach Coconut+ is a coconut water-based drink with only a subtle coconut flavor, improved electrolyte balance, low glycemic energy and a micro-protein blend (Beta-alanine, Citrulline and Theanine).  These are vital for the following reasons:

• Beta-alanine – commonly found in trace amounts of legumes and seaweed, has been shown to improve the muscles energy production at intensity and in some studies improving 800m times by ~10s for 1 time use and ~15s after cumulative use.

• Citrulline – commonly found in melons is a known vasodilator, improving Nitric Oxide levels in the body.  This opens up your blood vessels and improves blood flow.

• Theanine – commonly found in many teas especially white and green teas. Theanine is also known as a neurotropic as it impacts feelings of positivity and focus.

In addition each bottle only has 60 calories and NO “fake” sweeteners which leave a nasty aftertaste.

It is recommended to take 1 bottle 30 minutes before a workout and 1 bottle during exercise.  I drank one bottle while on a long run (90 minutes).  It was a cold day but had no trouble finishing my run.  I enjoyed the citrus flavor and couldn’t really taste the coconut.  Actually I could only taste the lemon flavor which I liked.

I also used it to make a smoothie to rehydrate and have some protein and carbs.  I used Detach, Orgain Protein Powder, and a banana.  I realized later that I should have added hemp or chia seeds for additional protein.


In conclusion, Detach Coconut+ tastes great and provides an organic and alternative way to stay hydrated.  In addition, it is gluten free and certified paleo.

Would you like to try Detach Coconut+?  You can order it from Amazon or from the Detach Coconut+ website.  In addition, you can sign up for their newsletter to get information on coupons, promotions and giveaway opportunities.

Random Thoughts Thursday 6

Random Thoughts Thursday

Hard to believe it is Thursday already.  The week definitely goes by fast!  I am not complaining.  Wednesday was a half day at school and while I’d rather have my kids for the rest of the afternoon instead of being in meetings, yesterday was actually pretty good.  The 2nd grade team met and we were able to cross things off our to do list.  That is always a wonderful feeling!  Now let me tell you about my random thoughts.

Do you watch “This is Us”?  I feel like I am missing out on it.  My Facebook feed is always full of posts from friends commenting about it.  Do you watch it?  Am I really missing out on it?

I will admit that I watched Sunday’s game just for the commercials.  This year I don’t think they were that good.  I think the one I did like was the one from Budweiser.  I am not a big fan of Justin Timberlake but did like his performance.

I cannot stop watching the SNL Revolutionary War skit.  Have you seen it?  Haha.  It is pretty funny!

I haven’t had much luck finding a house to buy.  Why is it so complicated?  I’ve been looking since November and while I’ve seen some nice ones, a few are out of my price range.  There were 2 houses that I was ready to buy and put in an offer.  Unfortunately they were not accepted.  I truly believe that things happen for a reason and I have to believe that those two were not meant to be for me.  My house is still out there and I just to continue to be patient.

I am over the snow.  Ugh!  I dislike winter and snow more than ever.  Is it selfish to say that with that much snow it will affect my runs?  I am enjoying my runs outside but now have to be even more conscious and careful because I don’t want to fall.  Yesterday I went to the treadmill and it wasn’t so bad but for sure I’d rather be outside.  We are expecting more snow today and Friday.  

• And with the snow comes a snow day.  I found out a few hours ago that there is no school on Friday.  I just looked outside and it is already coming down.  No bueno.  I was really hoping for it to be a mild winter (I remember last year in February we had temperature in the 80s) this year.  With this day off now I can finally finish grading my math tests from last week.  🙂

What are some of your random thoughts today?